Sunday, October 07, 2012

Busy in German

A sign of life after some while. I've been busy driving the CST Change Support Business during the last couple of months. Most of that stuff is done in German. If you're interested in reading about Management-Diagnostics and the validity of our Management Profiling approach in German, follow these links:

"Management-Diagnostik: Identifizieren wir die Richtigen?"

CST Führungs-Update mit dem Thema 'Management Profiling'

Please get in touch for information on CST contribution to your leadership performance.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tablet Computing - The Book of Jobs

Tablet computing

The book of Jobs

It has revolutionised one industry after another. Now Apple hopes to transform three at once

Jan 28th 2010 | From The Economist print edition

Illustration by Jon Berkeley

APPLE is regularly voted the most innovative company in the world, but its inventiveness takes a particular form. Rather than developing entirely new product categories, it excels at taking existing, half-baked ideas and showing the rest of the world how to do them properly. Under its mercurial and visionary boss, Steve Jobs, it has already done this three times. In 1984 Apple ...

Monday, October 12, 2009

The world is flat ...

Finally someone has explained one of the most frequently mis-cited academic works in communication. Here's a link for your own reference:

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Obituary for a fish named Benson ("The Economist")

Benson, England’s best-loved fish, died on July 29th, aged about 25

Aug 13th 2009 From The Economist print edition

PETERBOROUGH, in the English Midlands, is a red-brick town, best known as the midway point on the line between King’s Cross and York. But from the bottom of Kingfisher Lake, just outside it, urban toil seems far away. There, all is most delightful silt and slime. A push of your probing nose sends up puffs and clouds of fine mud through the water. A riff of bubbles rises, silvery, towards the surface. The green reeds quiver, and sunlight ripples down almost to the depths where you are lurking, plump and still.

Such was mostly the life, and such was the address, of Benson, England’s most famous fish. Her actual place of birth, as a wriggling, transparent fry prey to every frog, pike and heron, was never known. But at ten, when she was stocked in Kingfisher, she was already a bruiser. And there, among the willow-shaded banks, she grew. And grew. At her peak weight, in 2006, she was 64lb 2oz (29kg), and was almost circular, like a puffed-up plaice. Bigger carp have been seen in Thailand and in France; but she still amounted to a lot of gefilte fish.

Read the whole story here: Benson | The Economist

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Leave your Wifi open to all

I'm not quite sure how to handle this suggestion from an internet style guide (in German):

What I do have is another suggestion. I named my wifi with an email address, so that anyone who sees it can send me an email and ask to access it. In the last 24 months no requests were received. This does sort of indicate a lack of demand, doesn't it?

Anyhow, it does cater for "reciprocal altruism", because at least I know who is benefiting from my altruism.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Now, I did once have a landlord, whose son worked at JUNGvMATT and I am regularly at the Sparkassenakademie in Bonn with trainings for participants of the MBA programme, but I never expected this honour. Thanks to all contributors!

Especially if you consider that the man depicted is effectively lost!

The picture is of Asians waiting at the arrival gate. Asians are known for having difficulty in pronouncing the letter "R", which becomes "L", rendering the man arriving at the airport as "Mr Lost". It never bothered me, when dealing in the Far East, but somehow I can not see how this would work in the ad?

By the way, does anyone know who this perpetrating Mr Huebner is?

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Promises, Trust and Forward Looking Statements

Early on a Sunday morning I have been contemplating current economic and political developments and have come to an important conclusion. I have decided to pass on in writing, to anyone I communicate with, a dicslosure statement referring to any  'forward looking statement'. 

Aren't those called 'promises' in real life? 
A declaration or an assurance that one will do a particular thing or that guarantees that a particular thing will happen.
I strongly urge you to include the following statement in the footer of any email you submit to anyone, especially if they contain personal promises of any sorts, not covered by your personal indemnity insurance ;-)

Disclosure on Promises
Some of the information in this email may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events or the future performance of (your name)
(your name)  wishes to caution you that these statements are only predictions and that actual events or results may differ materially. You are referred to all and any comments, oral and written in emails that (your name) has submitted from time to time. These documents and statements contain and identify important factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those contained in his promises or forward-looking statements, including, among others, changes in the demand for (your name); changes in economic conditions generally or technology spending in particular; changes in the competitive dynamics of (your name)’s markets, including alliances and consolidation among his competitors or partners; deterioration of (your name)'s relationships with existing and new partners, and (your name)'s inability to compete effectively in an increasingly competitive market. 
(your name) assumes no obligation, and does not intend, to update his promises.