Thursday, June 26, 2008

Marvelous Philipp Lahm is Superhero

"It was always going to take something special to eliminate Turkey, like one of those movie monsters that can be killed only by a stake through the heart, or a silver bullet. It was going to need a savage plot twist, perhaps, or a ruthless hero, coldly determined to meet his destiny for the cause. Somehow, because this is what they do in big football tournaments, the Germans found such a man, and such a narrative, at St Jakob-Park last night ... Philipp Lahm ..."

Thanks Martin Samuel, Chief Football Correspondent, The Times. Read the full article here.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

This must be good

This I must share with you, a description of an internet radio station:

"Die coolste, modernste Klangwelt für den urbanen Nomaden. Dieser Sound ist immer positiv, uplifting und bright. Ohne Moderation können Sie damit durch den Tag gleiten."

In fact, that's exactly what I'm looking for at 6.30 in the morning, something "uplifting und bright".

The point made here is, language is certainly not static, it develops, grows and flourishes in its natural environment.