Friday, August 31, 2007
English for Runaways #271
There is still frequent confusion on how to correctly write dates in English. Don't let be confused by differences in British English and American English:
In British English the day is put before the month. You only put a comma before the year, if the date is part of a sentence: The conference takes place 10-12 December, 2007.
Example: 5 October 2007
In American English the month is put before the day. It is common to write a comma before the year.
Example: October 5, 2007
You can also write the date by using numbers only. The most common forms are:
Example: 5/10/07 or 5-10-07
Note, however, that 5/10/07 usually means 5 October 2007 in British English and May 10, 2007 in American English. To avoid any possible confusion, you should spell out the month or use the abbreviation.
Example: 5/May/07 or Oct-10-07
Thursday, August 30, 2007
English for Runaways #270
This is a tricky one! Simply remember 'which' introduces a non-restrictive (non-defining) clause or phrase and 'that' introduces a restrictive (defining) clause or phrase. In other words whatever follows 'that' is essential to the meaning of the sentence. Generaly you will also use commas with 'witch'.
I like Jack's book, which I have read myself. (non-restrictive)
I like the book that Jack is reading. (restrictive)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Task-based Approach to English Training
In a task-based lesson the teacher doesn't pre-determine what aspect of the language will be studied in terms of today's tense, preposition of the day, grammar subject of the week, etc.. Instead, the lesson is based around the completion of a central task and the language studied is determined by what happens as the students complete it. In a school scenario there would still be a lesson plan consisting of the following sequences.
- Pre-task // Introduction of a topic with a clear understanding of what is expected. Students take notes and prepare the task.
- Task // Students complete the task in pairs or groups as the teacher monitors and offers support where needed.
- Planning // Students prepare a report and then practice what they are going to say in. The teacher is available to ask for advice.
- Report // Students report back and the teacher gives quick feedback.
- Analysis // The teacher highlights parts for analysis.
- Practice // Finally, the teacher selects language areas and the students then practice activities.
Task-based learning has some clear advantages
- Unlike a PPP approach, it is free of language control. All language resources available must be used rather than just practising one pre-selected item.
- A natural context is developed from the students' experiences with the language that is personalised and relevant to them. With PPP context is created and it is often very unnatural.
- There's a much more varied exposure to language, a wider range of lexical phrases, collocations and patterns as well as language forms.
- The language explored arises from the students' needs. This need dictates what will be covered in the lesson rather than a decision made by the teacher or the coursebook.
- It is a strong communicative approach where students spend a lot of time communicating. PPP lessons seem very teacher-centred by comparison. Just watch how much time the students spend communicating during a task-based lesson.
- It is enjoyable and motivating.
PPP offers a very simplified approach to language learning. It is based upon the idea that you can present language in neat little blocks, adding from one lesson to the next. However, research shows us that we cannot predict or guarantee what the students will learn and that ultimately a wide exposure to language is the best way of ensuring that students will acquire it effectively. Restricting their experience to single pieces of target language is unnatural.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
English for Runaways #269
'Opportunity costs' are an economic term and defined as what must be given up (the next best alternative) as a result of a decision made. Any decision that involves a choice between two or more options has an 'opportunity cost'. In German: 'Opportunitätskosten'.
Monday, August 27, 2007
English for Runaways #268
You may read a 'daily' newspaper, a 'weekly' magazine. Publications may appear every fortnight (every fourteen nights), which in English is the term used for every two weeks. If something happens every other month we say it is 'bi-monthly'. 'Quarterly' would be once every quarter. There is however no English for the German 'halbjährlich', we revert by saying 'twice a year'.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
English for Runaways #267
The German 'Übung macht den Meister' translates into 'practise makes perfect'.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
English for Runaways #266
Friday, August 24, 2007
English for Runaways #265
Good Wiki: Institutes of technology versus polytechnics
Should you have studied “Betriebswirtschaftslehre” in Germany it would be appropriate to refer to having a degree in Business Administration, the equivalent of an MBA (Master of Business Administration) elsewhere. “Volkswirtschaftslehre” would refer to a university degree in economics.
It is difficult to translate terms for things that simply do not exist in another language. So in Germany before going to a university or any other higher education, you will have had to complete the Oberstufe at the Gymnasium with your Abitur. In England you complete your A-levels in the sixth form at a secondary school.
Link: A-levels
Remember, the German Gymnasium is not a gym in English. The word gymnasium comes from Greek. A gymnasion was originally a place for physical training and education. English chose the physical meaning whilst Germans went for the educational aspect. In German das Gymnasium is an academic secondary school.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Rugby World Cup to start in 15 days
So for all of you who can't make it to the venues in France, being stuck in Germany, here's the TV schedule for the games on DSF, who will show 15 games live. DETAILS HERE
After all the Rugby World Cup is the third largest global sporting event.
ARTE is featuring a French documetary entitled "Rugby, hart aber fair" to be aired on Tuesday, September 4 at 8.20 pm. DETAILS HERE
For anyone requiring a no-frills introduction to the game click here or find detailled information from the BBC Sports Academy here.
English for Runaways #264
Look at the word actual which in English means something exists in act and not only potentially.
"Google Video to refund actual money, not just credits."
It is not to be confused with the German aktuell which translates to 'currently' or 'presently'.
Is this the right time to get a coach?
Is this the right time for me to hire a coach?
If you feel like you are ready to make some important changes, the time is right for you. If you are extremely busy and cannot imagine taking on another thing, then the answer is “probably yes”. The first thing you and your coach may want to explore is what to remove from your busy schedule to make you feel simpler, more balanced and manageable.
Can I afford a coaching?
Make sure to look honestly at your finances before entering into the coaching relationship. If you hire a coach, you will be making an important investment into you life – equivalent in its overall impact to an advanced college degree (or possibly more). Are you able to pay the coach's fee for a minimum of six months without feeling like you are overextending yourself? If not, you may still want to continue, and work with your coach on improving your financial situation, immediately.
Am I willing to try new things?
During your coaching, you will be invited to look at old situations in new ways. You will be offered new concepts and different ways to approach things. If you are willing to try out new possibilities and stretch your creative side, you will get a large return for your investment. If you are a person who vigorously defends your old perspectives, you will still get much value from committing yourself to a specific course of action.
Is coaching what I am really looking for?
Your coach can certainly support you to find the right resources at the right time. Do you need an accountant, attorney, financial planner, or a personl assistant? There are many other kinds of professional relationships, one which might be more appropriate for you.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Eeek! Spiders on my blog
Friday, August 10, 2007
Never too late to get a good thing started
I'm just about ready with the new website and I also wanted a platform to through some opinions and discussions into the ring. Look out for some pleasant squabbling on subjects ranging from language training, communications, behaviour, understanding, leadership, skill develeopment, project management, interculutural training and much more as we get a long.
I will be touching stuff close and distant to professional issues and welcome any input for future discussions.
Isn't that what a blog is all about?
First blogg entry done!